UEFA Euro 2020 Forecast
An Elo-based forecast model for UEFA Euro 2020 that predicts matches and tournament stage chances. How does this work?
Congrats to Italy for winning Euro 2020! How did the forecast do?
Current Forecast
Use the scroll bar to see more probabilities. To sort by multiple columns, hold the shift key and click on them. It is important to note that this represents a likelihood of events happening.
Elo: The current Elo ratings for all teams.
Make R16: The chance a team has to make the round of 16. The top two teams in each group and the top four 3rd place teams qualify for this stage.
Make QF: The chance a team has to make the quarterfinals.
Make SF: The chance a team has to make the semifinals.
Make Finals: The chance a team has to make the finals.
Win Finals: The chance a team has to win the finals
Changes Over Time
How the forecast altered during the tournament.
Match Predictions
Completed Matches
Other Stuff
UEFA Euro 2020 Scores courtesy SportsReference.com.
Elo ratings from the World Football Elo Ratings.
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Check out our other forecasts.
Page built by @zecellomaster.
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